

June 30, 2024

Other research publications can also be found on the following pages.

Peer-reviewed paper

in English

Mogi, Ryohei, Ryota Mugiyama and Giammarco Alderotti. 2024. “Employment Uncertainty and Non-coresidential Partnership in Very Low Fertility Countries: Italy and Japan.” Journal of Family Research. 36: 160–177.

Mugiyama, Ryota. 2024. “Cohort Change in the Educational Gradient in Women’s Employment Around Childbirth in Japan.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility. 89: 100885.

Çineli, Beyda and Ryota Mugiyama. 2023. “Money management over the course of marriage: Parenthood, employment and household financial organization in Japan.” Advances in Life Course Research. 56: 100544.

Igarashi, Akira and Ryota Mugiyama. 2023. “Whose tastes matter? Discrimination against immigrants in the Japanese labour market.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 49(13): 3365–3388.

Mugiyama, Ryota and Kohei Toyonaga. 2022. “Role of Cohort Size in Trends in Class and Occupational Returns to Education at First Job: The Case of Japan.” European Sociological Review. 38(2): 269–285.

in Japanese



麦山亮太・小松恭子,2023,「テレワーク制度適用の企業規模・雇用形態間格差の要因:新型コロナウイルス感染症流行前後の比較分析」『日本労働研究雑誌』754: 87–102.

五十嵐彰・麦山亮太,2023,「サーベイ実験を用いた日本における外国人雇用差別の検証:企業属性による異質性」『理論と方法』38(1): 44–58.

麦山亮太,2022,「出産・育児期における女性就業とその学歴差の長期趨勢:雇用労働力化に着目して」『社会学評論』73(2): 86–102.補足表

打越文弥・麦山亮太・小松恭子,2021,「職域分離とスキルからみる労働市場のジェンダー格差:日本版O-NET・国勢調査マッチングデータから得られる示唆」『理論と方法』36(1): 65–82.(特集論文)

打越文弥・麦山亮太,2020,「日本における性別職域分離の趨勢:1980–2005年国勢調査集計データを用いた要因分解」『人口学研究』56: 9–23.

麦山亮太・西澤和也,2017,「大企業と中小企業が新卒者に求める能力は異なるか:求人情報サイトへのトピックモデルの適用」『理論と方法』32(2): 214–227.

麦山亮太,2017,「職業経歴と結婚への移行:雇用形態・職種・企業規模と地位変化の効果における男女差」『家族社会学研究』29(2): 129–141.

麦山亮太,2017,「キャリアの中断が生み出す格差:正規雇用獲得への持続的影響に着目して」『社会学評論』68(2): 248–264.

麦山亮太,2016,「結婚は職業キャリアにいかなる影響を与えるのか?:無業・管理職への移動に関する男女比較分析」『家族社会学研究』28(2): 122–135.

Work in progress

Intergenerational mobility

Multigenerational Perspective on Trends in the Inequality of Educational Opportunity in Japan (with Aguru Ishibashi)

  • 2024-04-20 Presented at PAA Annual Meeting at Hyatt Regency Columbus, Ohio. poster
  • 2023-10-25 Working paper is found here. paper
  • 2023-08-15 Presented at RC28 Summer Meeting at University of Michigan. slide
  • 2023-03-08 Presented at JAMS 74th Meeting at Tsukuba University. slide

Does Educational Expansion Weaken the Equalizing Power of College? Trends in Social Origin Differentials in Occupational Destination in Japan (with Kohei Toyonaga)

  • 2022-08-13 Presented at RC28 Summer Meeting at University of Notre Dame. slide

Downward Mobility and Loneliness: Consequences of Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Japan (with Aram Kwon and Takahiro Tabuchi)

  • 2024-04-11 Working paper is found here. paper
  • 2023-08-15 Presented at RC28 Summer Meeting at University of Michigan. poster

Changes in Geographic Accessibility to College and Inequality of Educational Opportunity (with Kohei Toyonaga)

  • 2023-10-09 Presented at JSS 96th Annual Meeting at Rissho University.
  • 2023-07-15 Presented at READI 1st Annual Conference at University of Tokyo. slide
  • 2022-08-28 Presented at JAMS 73rd Meeting. slide

Locating the Upper Class Advantage: Differential Impacts of Social Origin on Earnings by Destination in Japan

  • 2024-05-18 Presented at RC28 Spring Meeting at NYU Shanghai. slide
  • 2024-03-16 Presented at JAMS 76th Meeting at Osaka University. slide

Labor market inequality

Rising Socioeconomic Inequality in Telework Eligibility: Evidence from before and after the COVID-19 Outbreak in Japan (with Kyoko Komatsu)

  • 2023-08-24 Working paper is found here. paper
  • 2022-11-12 Presented at JSS 95th Annual Meeting at Otemon Gakuin University. slide

Trends in Task Distribution in Japan, 1980–2020: Evidence from the Occupational Information Network of Japan and the Population Census Data (with Kyoko Komatsu)

Educational Differences in the Motherhood Penalty on Wage Trajectories in Japan: The Role of Loss of Experience

  • 2024-08-06 Presented at RC28 2024 Summer Meeting at Brown University. slide

  • 2024-06-28 Working paper is found here. paper

  • 2024-06-09 Presented at PAoJ 76th Annual Meeting at Chuo University. slide

The Variation in Workers’ Task Variety and its Earnings Returns Across Countries (with Shin Arita)

  • 2024-08-30 Presented at JAMS 77th Annual Meeting at Tohoku University. slide

Informal Family Caregiving and Labor Market Outcomes in Japan (with Shingo Nitta)

Family Formation

Employment Uncertainty and Delayed Marriage in Society Where Cohabitations Are Not Prevalent: Incorporating Premarital Partnership

  • 2023-03-23 Working paper is found here. paper

Impact of Increasing Employment Uncertainty on Cross-Cohort Marriage and Parenthood Delays in Japan

  • 2023-04-04 Presented at PAA 2023 Annual Meeting at Hyatt Regency New Orleans, New Orleans, Luisiana. poster
  • 2022-09-04 Presented at JSFS 32nd Annual Meeting at Japan Women’s University. slide

Exposure to Non-partnership and Fertility Desires among Childless Population in Japan (with Ryohei Mogi and Alyce Raybould)

  • 2024-04-18 Presented at PAA 2024 Annual Meeting at Hyatt Regency Columbus, Ohio. slide

Revisiting the Relationship between Marriage and Childbearing in Low-Fertility East Asia: Evidence from Japan (with Fumiya Uchikoshi, Shohei Yoda, and James M. Raymo)

  • 2024-04-18 Presented at PAA 2024 Annual Meeting at Hyatt Regency Columbus, Ohio.
  • 2023-09-02 Presented at JSFS 33rd Annual Meeting at Kobe University.

Does Policy Affect Fertility and Marriage Desires Among Never-Married Childless People? A Factorial Survey Experiment (with Shin Okubo, Toma Kota, Shohei Yoda, and Shigeki Matsuda)

  • 2024-03-17 Presented at JAMS 76th Meeting at Osaka University. slide

Book chapter



麦山亮太・吉川裕嗣,2015,「東アジアの学生の意識にみるアジア統合の展望:アジア人意識と脅威認識を軸として」園田茂人編『アジア比較社会研究のフロンティアⅢ 連携と離反の東アジア』勁草書房,231–255.


麦山亮太,2024,「社会階層研究の現在:労働関連分野を中心に」『日本労働研究雑誌』765: 78–83.

麦山亮太,2022,「文献紹介 渡邊勉・吉川徹・佐藤嘉倫編『少子高齢社会の階層構造2 人生中期の階層構造』」『家族社会学研究』34(2): 152.

Komatsu, Kyoko and Ryota Mugiyama. 2022. “Trends in Task Distribution in Japan, 1990–2015: Evidence from the Occupational Information Network of Japan and the Population Census Data.” Japan Labor Issues. 37(6): 55–70.

麦山亮太,2021,「地位の経歴からみる不平等の生成過程」『理論と方法』36(2): 4–15.

麦山亮太,2018,「文献紹介 吉川徹著『日本の分断:切り離される非大卒若者たち』」『家族社会学研究』30(2): 270.